Howard and Linda Duncan long time Autocrossers

This episode features Howard and Linda Duncan who have lived, breathed and worked in the autocross arena for decades. Howard has worked for the SCCA for over 20 years.

This episode covers many topics from their beginning in the sport to street survival, to the size of lots in case you are planning to build one :).

Other topics:

  • Howard's favorite car a 63 MGB
  • How courses used to be longer yet skinnier gates 12' and 35' minimum slalom
  • Beginning of ProSolo
  • SEB feedback - if you support something let the SEB know
  • Should clubs look to build sites to keep the support alive
  • Future of Solo and ProSolo
  • Linda's favorite car Jeff Jacobs Mini Cooper and a FRS
  • Percent of women in the sport has dropped
  • Sponsorship opportunities with the SCCA
    • Howard Duncan's Awards

      • Woolf Barnato Trophy, SCCA’s highest honor, 2015
      • Solo Cup, the sport's highest award, 1993
      • Roger Johnson Spirit of the Sport Award, 2005

      Linda Duncan's Awards - 6th - Most Trophy Finishes, Women - 18

      • 1999 STL Champion - Honda Prelude
      • 2001 STSL Champion - Subaru Impreza

Neal Tovsen of Top SCCA Autocrosser and Instructor

This episode features Neal Tovsen of where he has posts with autocross tips and thoughts.

Neal has 10 National Trophy's half of which were 2nd place.

At nationals he has competed in: CSP, STX, DP, BS, GS and SM.

He started in 1998 and started instructing at schools a few years later which he found helped his driving as well.  The concept of teaching what you have learned is something good todo in all aspects of your life.

Best advice is to go to SCCA Solo Nationals and drive (don't expect to win rather take it all in).

He has lots of great thoughts. Lets us know what you think at our Facebook page. Please leave us a review on iTunes and signup with your email at

He mentioned the PocketCast app for Android devices so I've added AutocrossTalk to their list of available podcasts.

Neal Tovsen driving his CSP Miata
Neal Tovsen driving his CSP Miata